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What Causes Sleep Problems?

What Causes Sleep Problems?

What is Sleep?

People go through a mental and physical regeneration process during their sleep. All these functions are refreshed while we sleep. That's why regular sleep is so important. The factor that creates this order is our biological clock.

Our biological clock determines our sleep patterns and rhythms during the day. It does this not according to its head, but according to the level of daylight perceived by our eyes. Although the ideal sleep time varies from person to person, it varies between 4-11 hours. In adults, this period is on average 7-8 hours. In children, this period can be up to 12-14 hours.

However, this period varies from child to child.

What is Insomnia?

We learned what sleep means and why we need it. Now let's come to insomnia, that is, insomnia. Insomnia problem, depression, alcohol and substance use, panic disorders, not choosing suitable hours for sleep, excessive eating and drinking before going to bed, excessive consumption of tea and coffee before sleep, restless legs syndrome; It occurs as a result of using the bed for non-sleep purposes such as watching TV, writing, and dealing with mobile phones.

This situation can cause more depression, feeling tired, lack of attention, excessive nervousness caused by difficulty in concentration, risk of obesity, poor performance at work, weakness in the immune system, and diseases such as high blood pressure.

Sleep Problem in Babies

The sleep duration of newborn babies is between 12-16 hours in total. Until the age of 2, this period is between 13-14. They spend 2-3 hours of their total daily sleep time in daytime sleep.

During this period, babies should not be expected to sleep very regularly.

So, what should the sleep pattern be like in babies?

It is normal for 2-3 month old babies to sleep for 3-4 hours without interruption.

Parents need to wake their babies to feed after 3-4 hours. After 4 months, there is a decrease in daytime sleep in babies. Nighttime sleep is less interrupted.

Parents can do the following to help their babies sleep comfortably:

  • Making the room where the baby sleeps as dark as possible
  • Listening to light music or reading a fairy tale
  • Massaging the baby with almond, chamomile or lavender oil
  • Taking a warm bath before going to sleep
  • Preventing falling asleep by sucking

Sleep Problem in Children

Night Terror

It occurs in children aged 3-10 years. It is a condition that occurs in the non-REM phase, that is, immediately after falling asleep. The child wakes up screaming and looks around frightened. In addition, the child may experience excessive agitation, crying and aggression. The child may not remember these behaviors in the morning.


Involuntary behavior patterns such as sleep walking, teeth grinding, head banging, talking, night terrors, nightmares and bedwetting are seen in children.

Having Nightmares

It is usually seen between the ages of 4-6. The nightmare is pretty scary and very detailed. Usually, after the child wakes up, he gets to know his surroundings and goes back to sleep.

Sleeping Problem in Pregnancy

During pregnancy, women experience intense emotional and physical changes. This can also lead to sleep disorders.

So, why do sleep problems occur during pregnancy?

  • Progesterone hormone secreted especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy can cause fatigue and insomnia.
  • Much more fluid accumulates in the body than before. This makes you want to urinate more. This may result in frequent awakenings at night.
  • During pregnancy, the chest area becomes a little more sensitive every day. Discomfort may be felt in the chest area when turning in sleep. This can cause the mother to wake up from her sleep.

What to do?

  • There are several ways to improve sleep quality during pregnancy.
  • To consume more fluids during the daytime hours.
  • Sleeping on the left side. This will facilitate the blood circulation of both mother and baby.
  • Putting support pillows between the legs, abdomen or back.

Which Department Should I Go to for Sleep Disorders?

There are many reasons behind sleep disorders. For this, first of all, it is necessary to find out what causes the sleep disorder.

It would be best for Maltepe University Medical Faculty Hospitals to see one of their experienced sleep disorder specialists. Depending on the diagnosis made to the patient, treatment can be done at Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Sleep Disorders Center or at the patient's home.

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