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Anesthesia and Reanimation

About Unit

Anesthesia is a procedure performed so that the patient does not feel pain during diagnosis and treatment, especially before the surgical operation. Anesthesiologist and reanimation specialist aims to prevent the patient from feeling pain during the procedure with the drugs he has determined. It is also among the responsibilities of the anesthesiologist to minimize the negative effects on the patient after anesthesia and to ensure that vital functions are not affected after the operation.

Types of anesthesia

Situations in which general anesthesia is applied: It is defined as a temporary loss of consciousness and decreased reflexes without affecting vital functions. General anesthesia causes unconsciousness in the patient. Thus, it prevents the patient's awareness during the operation, eliminates pain, and provides muscle relaxation by suppressing reflex activity. This creates a more comfortable environment during the operation and facilitates the surgical intervention. The purpose of general anesthesia can be summarized as providing suitable conditions for surgical intervention.

Situations where regional anesthesia is applied: It is the method of anesthesia in which the patient is conscious but does not feel any pain. It is performed in many operations, especially birth.

Spinal anesthesia application: It is an anesthesia method generally used in birth operations. It is preferred when the surgical procedure will be performed at or below the waist level. It is an anesthesia method that enables mothers who gave birth by cesarean section to hold their babies in their arms immediately after birth.

Thanks to the injection made into the epidural space in the patient's lumbar region, a feeling of numbness comes from under the chest. In this way, the patient does not feel pain and pain; After birth, the mother can also consciously hold her baby in her arms.

Epidural anesthesia application: In this anesthesia method, which completely suppresses the feeling of pain within 15 minutes, an injection is made into the epidural space through a thin tube called a catheter. It is generally used for not feeling the labor pains. It is preferred in both cesarean and normal delivery.

Combined spinal epidural anesthesia application: As the name suggests, it is the name given to anesthesia in which 2 anesthesia methods are applied together. First, a spinal injection is administered, followed by an epidural anesthesia via a catheter. This anesthesia method is also mostly preferred by mothers. After combined spinal epidural anesthesia, mothers can still hold their babies in their arms with consciousness. The patient's doctor, anesthesiologist and the patient decide together which anesthesia method the patient will proceed with.

Local anesthesia application: It is an anesthesia method in which only the area where the procedure will be performed is anesthetized with various anesthetic drugs. It is often confused with regional anesthesia. It is used in procedures such as tooth extraction, circumcision, aesthetic intervention.

Anesthesia is performed by doctors who have completed their medical education in the field of anesthesia and reanimation. Anesthesia technicians and nurses accompany the doctors throughout the operation.

Anesthesia Process and Risks

At the beginning of the anesthesia process, an oral medication, called “premedication”, is administered to the patient to make it easier for the patient to come to the operating room. Afterwards, vascular access is established in the operating room and the patient is monitored in order to monitor life functions such as heart, respiration and blood pressure. After all these preparations, the patient is given special drugs only under the authority of the anesthesiologist via serum for general anesthesia. Thanks to the special tube placed in the trachea, the continuity and safety of the respiratory tract is ensured.

The operation can only be started after the anesthesia is given, with the permission of the anesthesiologist. Postoperative anesthesia drugs are discontinued and the patient is awakened under the control of the anesthesiologist and moved to the recovery room. Here, the patient is warmed, the pain is relieved, and various measures are taken against the possibility of nausea and vomiting. Afterwards, he is comfortably taken to his own room.

Unit Doctors


Uzm. Dr. Ayşe HIZAL

Anesthesia and Reanimation

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Yusufcan KOŞANSU

Uzm. Dr. Yusufcan KOŞANSU

Anesthesia and Reanimation

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Elif Aslı Karadeniz Mollamehmetoğlu

Uzm. Dr. Elif Aslı Karadeniz Mollamehmetoğlu

Anesthesia and Reanimation

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Abdullah Aydın ÖZCAN

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Abdullah Aydın ÖZCAN

Anesthesia and Reanimation

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Ercan Şerifsoy

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ercan Şerifsoy

Anesthesia and Reanimation

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