What is Circumcision?
03 July 2023
Maltepe Hospital
- Pediatric Surgery

What is Circumcision?
Table of Contents
- At What Age Can Circumcision Be Performed?
- In Which Environment Should Circumcision Be Performed?
- What Should Be Considered After Circumcision?
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the tip of the skin covering the penis (foreskin) for religious, traditional or medical reasons.
Circumcision is still seen as a “simple” procedure due to ancient customs. In fact, circumcision is a serious surgical intervention and should be performed by specialized doctors under hospital conditions and in an appropriate environment. Psychological preparation of children who will be circumcised is very important in terms of protection from problems that may occur after circumcision. Circumcision has a very important place in your son’s life. Circumcision is a surgical procedure and like any surgery, some problems may occur afterwards. It is very important to perform circumcision under the most ideal conditions for the child in order to prevent problems that may occur in the future.
At What Age Can Circumcision Be Performed?
It is recommended to perform circumcision before the age of 2 or after the age of 6. This age limit is due to the psychological problems that circumcision may cause in the future. For this reason, even in children older than 6 years of age, children should be convinced about circumcision and circumcision surgery should be postponed in unconvinced children. There is no medically significant difference between circumcision before the age of 2 or after the age of 6.
During the preparation of the child for circumcision, it is useful to explain that the child will be put to sleep during the operation and that pain will not be felt due to the painkillers to be given. If necessary, support from a psychologist can be sought. Expressions such as “the pin will be cut” should be avoided.
In cases of medical necessity such as some urination problems or frequent urinary tract infections, circumcision can be performed regardless of age, as it will be beneficial for the child’s health.
In Which Environment Should Circumcision Be Performed?
Circumcision, which is a surgical procedure, should unquestionably be performed in a sterile environment provided by an operating room. Although it is not right for the child to be circumcised by any health personnel (health technician, circumciser, etc.) other than a physician, it is a criminal offense by law.
What Should Be Considered After Circumcision?
It may take 2-3 weeks for the penis to return to a completely normal appearance after circumcision. Attention should be paid to the following points in this process:
The child may have pain. Painkillers recommended by the doctor can be given. There may be a burning sensation during urination. Drinking plenty of water can reduce this feeling. On the day of circumcision and the day after, care should be taken not to let the penis come into contact with water. Children in diapers can continue to wear diapers. In older children, it is recommended to wear well-fitting circumcision pants for a week. The child should avoid activities that may cause trauma to the penis (physical education, cycling, playing ball, etc.) for 7-10 days. These activities may lead to increased edema and bleeding.
In the first few days, red spotting may be seen in the diaper/nappy. In case of bleeding that does not stop, difficulty urinating, foul-smelling discharge or fever exceeding 38.0 C, you should definitely be checked.