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What Is Good For Migraine? How Is Migraine Treated?

What Is Good For Migraine? How Is Migraine Treated?

Migraine is a neurological disease that causes recurrent severe headaches. It usually occurs unilaterally and there are various factors that can trigger pain. Migraine attacks manifest themselves with symptoms such as intense headache, light-sound sensitivity, nausea and vomiting. It can negatively affect a person's daily life and even reduce work efficiency.

There is a lot of misinformation and belief in society about migraine. This false information may adversely affect the diagnosis and treatment processes of people with migraine. For this reason, it is important to distinguish between what is known correctly and what is wrong about migraine.

What causes migraine?

Although the exact cause of migraine is not known, it is thought to occur with the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Some trigger factors can trigger migraine attacks, these can include stress, sleep disorders, hormonal changes, certain foods and drinks, light, sound and smells.

What are the symptoms of migraine?

Severe headache: A migraine attack usually starts with a one-sided headache. Headache may be exacerbated by physical activity. It can prevent the person from doing daily activities.
Nausea and vomiting: Nausea is a common symptom during a migraine attack. Vomiting may also accompany some people.
Sensitivity to light and sound: There may be hypersensitivity to light (photophobia) and sound (phonophobia) during a migraine attack. Bright light or loud noise can aggravate migraine symptoms.
Aura: Some migraine sufferers experience auras, which are a set of temporary neurological symptoms that precede or accompany a migraine attack. Aura may include symptoms such as visual disturbances (flashes, zigzag lines), sensory changes (tingling, numbness), difficulty speaking.
Dizziness or loss of balance: Dizziness or loss of balance can sometimes be seen during a migraine attack.
Fatigue and weakness: After a migraine attack, the person may often experience weakness, a feeling of fatigue or exhaustion.

How long can migraine attacks last?

A migraine attack can usually last between 4 and 72 hours. There may also be a preliminary stage that begins with symptoms called a migraine aura and usually lasts for about an hour. Migraine symptoms can vary from person to person and from attacks to attacks.

Is there a cure for migraine?

Yes, migraine treatment is possible. Treatment is aimed at preventing migraine attacks or relieving symptoms. Treatment options include pain relievers and migraine-specific medications that your doctor will recommend. Migraine vaccine may be a treatment option for patients who cannot be controlled with drugs. Botox can also be applied to chronic migraine patients who are deemed appropriate by neurologists.

Migraine treatment should be done under the supervision of a doctor as each individual may be different. By consulting a neurologist, you can evaluate your migraine symptoms and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

What can I do to prevent migraines?

You can take some steps to prevent migraines.

Identify triggers: Try to identify factors that can trigger a migraine attack. These can include stress, sleep disturbances, certain foods or drinks, and environmental factors such as smell or light. You can keep a headache diary to identify your own migraine triggers.
Regular sleep: Try to establish a regular sleep and get enough sleep. Sleep disorders can trigger migraine attacks.
Stress management: Stress can trigger a migraine attack. Learning and practicing stress management techniques can be helpful in preventing migraines. You can try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, muscle relaxation exercises.
Healthy diet: You can prevent migraines by following a balanced diet. Certain foods can trigger migraines, so it's important to recognize and avoid food triggers. It may be helpful to reduce or avoid triggers such as caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, processed meats, and foods containing sodium and nitrites.
Exercise: Regular exercise can help prevent migraines. Light exercises can reduce migraine attacks by increasing blood flow and reducing stress. However, excessively intense exercise can trigger migraines, so know your limits and create an appropriate exercise program.
Water consumption: Drinking enough water can help prevent migraines. Thirst can trigger a migraine attack. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and keep your fluid intake regular.
Relaxation techniques: You can use relaxation techniques that can relieve a headache. You can try techniques such as resting in a dark and quiet room, taking a bath with warm water, and doing a light massage.

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