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Obesity Surgery (Bariatric Surgery)

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Obesity, which is very common today, is called the condition of excess fat tissue in the body. In cases where the person cannot lose weight or prevent weight gain with diet and sports, obesity surgery comes into play. Patients who cannot lose weight with weight control programs, diet and sports undergo various surgeries in order to lose weight permanently. The Department of Obesity Surgery covers all diagnosis and treatment methods in this process.

What are the Solutions Obesity Surgery Offers to the Person?

Thanks to obesity surgery, it is possible for people with diabetes to be fully treated or to have sugar control permanently. In addition, with obesity surgery, the risk of heart diseases is reduced, patients who cannot do physical activity are physically relieved, sexual dysfunction and reproductive problems are eliminated. In addition to all these, thanks to obesity surgery, joint disorders and pain are minimized by correcting the movement and skeletal system.

Which Patients Can Have Surgery?

Our patients with a BMI above 40 kg/m², with a BMI of 30-35 kg/m², who have problems due to obesity, and who have diseases such as diabetes and hypertension can undergo surgeries within the scope of bariatric surgery. People who do not get results by dieting and exercise, and who have weight problems to the extent that they cannot do any physical activity, may also need surgery.

What are the Treatment Methods in Obesity Surgery?

The treatment methods in obesity surgery vary according to the patient's health status, the degree of the disease experienced and the patient's measurements. The most commonly known treatment methods in obesity surgery are known as gastric bypass, stomach botox and sleeve gastrectomy. The problems experienced by the people and the degree of the disease are very important in the treatment methods that are categorized as restrictive, malabsorptive and mixed type surgeries.

Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Department of Obesity Surgery

Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals We aim for our patients to lead a comfortable and healthy life with our expert physician staff in the field of obesity surgery. We ensure that our patients suffering from obesity return to their comfortable lives in the shortest and healthiest way, with our treatment methods that make the most of this technology by following the developing technology closely.

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