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Neonatology (Newborn)

About Unit

Pregnancy, birth and the period of approximately one month after birth are included in the scope of Neonatology (Newborn). The Neonatology (newborn) medical unit, which deals with the needs of newborn babies and covers the diseases that may occur in babies after birth and birth, also monitors the tissue and organ development of babies after birth.

What Diseases Does the Department of Neonatology Cover?

Newborn babies are more susceptible to many diseases. Therefore, sensitive care and good supervision are required for newborns in this process. Neonatal blood problems, lung and respiratory problems, feeding problems, gas and milk problems, any infection that may occur are within the scope of the neonatology (newborn) department. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as jaundice, apnea of prematurity, anemia of prematurity, congenital hip fracture, cleft palate, low blood sugar, neonatal tetanus, especially occurring in newborns, are carried out in the department of neonatology.

Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Department of Neonatology (Newborn)

Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Neonatology (Newborn) department provides the necessary treatments to all newborns in need of intensive care. Maltepe University Medical Faculty Hospitals Neonatology (newborn) services are at every moment with our patients and babies with our top-notch facilities against premature birth, any kind of discomfort that may occur during or after birth, starting from the last weeks of pregnancy.

Unit Doctors

Tuğba Erener Ercan

Prof. Dr. Tuğba Erener Ercan

Neonatology (Newborn)

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