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Check Up

About Unit

Check-up process; It is a detailed evaluation of the patient, taking into account familial risks, lifestyle, diet and habits, and referral to the relevant departments, if necessary, as a result of these evaluations.

Before the check-up, the doctor conducts a comprehensive interview with the patient. Afterwards, radiological examinations, laboratory tests and tests that are recommended to the person are evaluated. At the end of this whole process, the risks of the patient's existing diseases, if any, are determined and the treatment is organized in the relevant departments and necessary precautions are taken.

Importance of Check Up

Often, patients only go to the doctor when they encounter a health problem or suspect a disease. However, many diseases can progress without showing any symptoms. It may even show no symptoms until it reaches the point where it cannot be treated.

  • If you want to have a long and healthy life,
  • If you cannot spare a lot of time for your health due to your busy work schedule,
  • If some diseases in your family worry you about the future

You can perform your check up at Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Check Up Center and take the right step for a healthy life.

Why Should You Have a Check Up at Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals?

Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Check Up Center has been designed with your personal comfort in mind, apart from other departments. Our friendly staff is always interested in you at our check-up center, which has changing rooms and shower facilities.

Check Up Programs

Check-up programs may differ from person to person. While determining the examinations to be performed, issues such as the person's age, lifestyle and medical history are of great importance. When determining the check-up program, the risk status of the person must be taken into account.

Criteria to consider when choosing a check-up program:

  • Age and gender
  • Having or suspecting any of your family or close relatives with diabetes (diabetes), hypertension (high blood pressure), cardiovascular disease, prostate, lung, obesity, stomach and colon cancer, hereditary and chronic diseases
  • Lifestyle and working hours
  • Complaints such as dizziness and chronic fatigue

Unit Doctors

Şevin Demir

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şevin Demir

Check Up
Family Medicine

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