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When Does Back Pain Start During Pregnancy?

When Does Back Pain Start During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is one of the most special and challenging periods for women. Many changes occur in the body and hormones during this period. Some of these changes can affect the health and comfort of pregnant women. Back pain during pregnancy is one of these effects.

Back pain during pregnancy is a common problem that affects about 75% of expectant mothers. The cause of this pain is the growth of the abdomen and the shift in the center of gravity as the pregnancy progresses. This can cause the muscles and joints in the lower back to tense or relax. In addition, the hormone relaxin, which is released during pregnancy, can also contribute to lower back pain by loosening the pelvic joints.

Back pain during pregnancy usually starts in the middle months of pregnancy (4th to 6th months). This is because the main factors that cause back pain intensify during these months. In the last 3 months of pregnancy, back pain may increase even more. As the baby grows and comes to the birth position, the pressure and tension in the lower back is felt more.

Some measures can be taken to prevent or reduce back pain during pregnancy. 

These include the following: 

  • Exercise regularly: Doing proper exercises during pregnancy helps to strengthen the lower back and back muscles and increase their flexibility. Exercise also improves blood circulation and reduces stress. Suitable exercises for pregnant women include activities such as swimming, walking, pilates and yoga. However, it is important to get a doctor’s approval before exercising.
  • Correct posture: Standing and sitting upright during pregnancy reduces the strain on the lower back. Avoid bending forward or lying down. It can also be helpful to support the back by using a suitable pillow or support.
  • Wear comfortable shoes: Avoid high heels or tight shoes during pregnancy. These can throw the body out of balance and put extra strain on the lower back. Instead, comfortable, flat and flexible shoes should be preferred.
  • Not gaining too much weight: A healthy weight gain is important during pregnancy. However, gaining too much weight can pose a risk to the health of both mother and baby. Excess weight gain can put more pressure on the lower back and cause increased pain. For this reason, pregnant women should eat as recommended by their doctor and monitor their weight. 

Rest: Resting during pregnancy helps to relax both physically and mentally. It is important to lie or sit in a suitable position to relieve back pain. When lying down, it may be good to support the legs with a pillow between the knees or to lie on your side. When sitting, it may be helpful to use a chair or cushion that provides support for the back.

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