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Palliative Care

About Unit

Certain diseases and diseases such as cancer may require people to receive treatment throughout their lives. Palliative care is required in order to increase the quality of life of our patients who have to receive lifelong treatment and to minimize any negative situation that may arise due to their diseases. With palliative care, patients receive care with specially trained doctors and nurses, and all their needs are met by expert teams. The teams in palliative care are doctors, nurses, social workers and nutritionists. Teams may differ according to the discomfort of the person.

Who Covers Palliative Care?

Palliative care includes bedridden patients and people struggling with serious diseases such as dementia, Parkinson's, heart failure and cancer. Thanks to the palliative care service, our patients receive support at every stage of their illness, while minimizing the risks of encountering any negative situation. Palliative care service also covers the general ailments of the elderly people apart from these diseases.

What are Palliative Care Treatment Methods?

Palliative care service aims to minimize patients' pain and respiratory problems. Relief of breathing and providing nutritional support in any possible emergency are also included in palliative care services. In addition, educating the patient and his family, informing his relatives about the disease, and getting moral support of the patient are among the palliative care treatment methods. In palliative care, health personnel apply the necessary treatments according to the condition of the patient and the disease. Palliative care services can be obtained from the moment the disease is diagnosed.

Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Palliative Care Department

As Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals, we are at every moment with our palliative care services for our patients who need lifelong treatment regardless of their age or gender. Thanks to our expert staff who have received special training for palliative care, we aim to ensure that our patients lead a comfortable life and to minimize negative situations.

Unit Doctors

Fatih Öner Kaya

Asst. Prof. Dr. Fatih Öner Kaya

Internal Medicine
Palliative Care
Traditional Complementary and Functional Medicine

  • date
Selçuk Şimşek

Asst. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Şimşek

Palliative Care
Traditional Complementary and Functional Medicine

  • date

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