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Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery

About Unit

Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Department of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery deals with the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up processes of heart diseases in fetuses, infants, children and adolescents from the heart of the unborn baby to the age of 18.

Heart diseases, which increase every year in children and young people, can be congenital or can occur later due to various factors.

Thanks to the experienced specialists of Maltepe University Medical Faculty Hospitals Department of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery and its modern technology, the entire diagnosis and treatment process is carried out meticulously, from the detection of heart problems while the baby is still in the womb, to heart diseases that occur in childhood, from heart rheumatism to congenital heart diseases. .

In addition, the echocardiographic evaluation of the patient, whose electrocardiography was taken and examined, is also performed in the Department of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery. Exercise test, rhythm holter and 24-hour blood pressure analysis applications are carried out.

Heart problems in children can have many causes. For example, congenital heart diseases may be caused by the mother's infection and use of certain medications during pregnancy. At the same time, the mother's exposure to substances such as drugs, alcohol and cigarettes during pregnancy is another factor that increases the risk of the baby's heart disease. Heart diseases are more common in newborn babies. For these reasons, children's hearts should be checked regularly.

Symptoms such as frequent breathing, inability to gain weight, swelling of the eyelids, poor development, chest pain, frequent respiratory tract infections, bruising, murmur heard on stethoscope examination may be signs of heart disease in the child.

In the vast majority of congenital heart diseases, the child does not need treatment. The child is followed by EKG, ECO and clinical examination by the specialists of the Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Department. The child's development is not affected during the natural course of the disease; life expectancy and quality become normal as in other children. However, there are some diseases in which interventional methods are applied. That's why, after birth, parents should definitely have their babies routinely checked for their heart health.

Unit Doctors

Ahmet Turan Yılmaz

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Turan Yılmaz

Cardiovascular Surgery
Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery

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