
Cumhuriyetimizin 100. yılı kutlu olsun! Gururla... // Çocuk ve Ergen Psikiyatristimiz Sayın Sebla Gökçe profesör kadromuza katıldı. // Kasım ayı boyunca Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniğimizde tüm muayenelerimiz ücretsizdir. // Medikal Estetik Birimimiz hizmet vermeye başladı.


About Unit

Laboratories are an extremely important part that hospitals benefit from during the diagnosis of the disease and the subsequent treatment process. The laboratory department, working on samples taken from different parts of the body, obtains the findings that will enable the diagnosis to be made correctly, and as a result, increases the success rate of the treatment.

As Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals, we include career Biochemistry and Microbiology experts, laboratory technicians and medical secretaries, all of whom are college graduates, in our laboratory. In our laboratory, medical analyzes can be performed 24 hours a day, and we provide uninterrupted service in this area.

In our laboratory, international control and calibration programs are applied for the accuracy of all tests, and fast and reliable results are obtained. In this way, we ensure that the diagnosis and treatment processes of our patients progress in the most accurate way.

Tests in Our Laboratory

  • Biochemistry tests
  • Hematology tests

  • Hormone tests

  • drug levels

  • Tumor Markers

  • Urine Analysis

  • Molecular microbiology

  • Elisa

  • Serology

  • Immunology

  • Allergy

  • stool analysis

  • sperm analysis

  • Tests related to genetic testing and kidney stone analysis

    All these tests carried out in our laboratory are carried out with advanced technology modern devices. Apart from the disease, laboratory tests that a healthy person will have regularly made can ensure that the diseases he may encounter are diagnosed much earlier and can protect the person from serious health problems that may occur.


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