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Interventional Radiology

About Unit

With the development of technology day by day, the applications made in the field of health are also changing and developing as a part of this. Interventional radiology, as a result of modern medicine, facilitates the diagnosis and treatment processes compared to the past.

Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Radiology Department also provides services to its patients by combining interventional radiology with a multidisciplinary approach with its modern technology and expert team.

In interventional radiology, local anesthesia is mostly applied to the patient. Necessary information about the disease is collected by entering the patient's body in ways as small as a pinhole.

Computed tomography, ultrasound and angiography are the most commonly used methods in diagnosis and treatment with interventional radiology. It can also be applied in vascular treatments such as bleeding, occlusion and ballooning outside of the heart vessel.

Interventional radiology can also be applied in the treatment of cysts that occur anywhere in the body.

Application Areas of Interventional Radiology in Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals

  • Aneurysm (Vessel Ballooning) Endovascular Treatment
  • Artery Occlusions
  • Leg Vascular Occlusions
  • Neck Carotid Artery Stenosis
  • Opening Dialysis Fistula Obstructions
  • Buerger's Disease
  • Fibroid Embolization
  • Varicocele Treatment
  • Cyst and Abscess Treatments
  • Needle Biopsies
  • Bile and Urinary Tract Treatments
  • Support Procedures for Oncology Treatment
  • Direct Cancer Treatment Procedures

Artery Occlusions

Due to different reasons, conditions such as clot formation and atherosclerosis can occur in the arteries. These problems can be life-threatening depending on the region.

Thanks to angiography, one of the application methods of interventional radiology, a high-density substance is injected into the patient's vessels and the desired area is visualized. Thus, conditions such as obstruction or stenosis can be easily detected and treated.

Buerger's Disease

Buerger's disease is mostly seen in smokers. This disease, which is a peripheral vascular disease, adversely affects the small and medium-sized arteries and veins in the arms and legs of the patient.

In the treatment of Buerger's disease, the patient is first anesthetized with local anesthesia, then vascular expansion (angioplasty) is performed by entering the anesthetized area with the help of a catheter.

Direct Cancer Treatment Process

Interventional radiology methods can also be used directly in cancer treatment.
It is one of the interventional radiology methods applied for the direct destruction of cancerous cells by methods such as chemosaturation, electropolation, intra-arterial chemotherapy, radioembolization and radiofrequency.

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