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Internal Medicine

About Unit

Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Department of Internal Medicine diagnoses the problems in the internal organs of patients over the age of 15 and carries out the treatment process.

Since the symptoms of different diseases are first seen in the internal organs, Internal Medicine is the department where the most density is experienced in hospitals. With the help of modern medicine and advanced technology health equipment, early diagnosis can be made in many diseases that fall into the field of the department.

Diseases falling under the responsibility of the Internal Medicine Department:

  • Kidney diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Liver diseases
  • Blood pressure
  • Blood diseases
  • Anemia
  • Digestive system problems (ulcer, gastritis, constipation, etc.)
  • Hormone diseases
  • Obesity
  • Diseases caused by vitamin and mineral deficiency
  • Osteoporosis
  • Infectious diseases
  • Respiratory system diseases
  • Geriatrics (advanced age disease)

Physicians, who are experts in their fields, first learn the patient's history and perform a detailed physical examination. Then, necessary analyzes and examinations are made and an evaluation is made. Accordingly, the most appropriate treatment method is planned for the patient.

If the patient needs to undergo surgical intervention, a referral is made from the Internal Medicine Department to the relevant surgical branches.

Hypertension Treatment

Hypertension, which occurs as a result of high blood pressure, is a disease that can cause serious health problems if necessary precautions are not taken in time. The treatment of this common disease, which is seen in 1 out of every 3 people in our country, is carried out in Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Department of Internal Medicine and the follow-up process of hypertension is carried out.

Diabetes Treatment

Diabetes mellitus, also known as diabetes, is a disease that occurs with high blood sugar as a result of insufficient insulin secretion or the inability to use the produced insulin by the body.

In diabetes, it is aimed to keep blood sugar at the required level by applying medication and diet, thus controlling diabetes.

Treatment of Infectious Diseases

Many diseases that fall under the scope of the Internal Medicine Department are included in the infectious diseases.

Infectious Diseases:

  • influenza
  • Parasitic diseases
  • Diseases caused by inflammation of the bones and joints
  • Diarrhea
  • Hepatitis
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Skin infectionsHastaya tanı konulmasının ardından enfeksiyona sebep olan etkene yönelik tedavi süreci başlatılır.

Treatment of Thyroid Gland Diseases

Since the thyroid gland, located in our neck region, is an organ responsible for regulating many functions in our body, it can cause serious diseases in case of excess or deficiency. Conditions such as weakness, inability to lose weight, and weight loss are caused by the thyroid gland not working regularly. Proper functioning of the thyroid gland is of great importance for the overall health of the body.

Tests Performed in the Internal Medicine Department:

  • Fasting blood sugar
  • Evaluation of blood fats
  • Lung X-ray
  • Liver function tests
  • Kidney function tests
  • Cholesterol
  • ECG
  • Rheumatological tests
  • Infection tests
  • Hemogram (Complete blood count)
  • Triglyceride
  • Radiological examinations
  • Endoscopic examinations
  • Iron and iron binding tests
  • Tests that examine the stomach and intestinal tract

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