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Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Department of Dermatology provides services in the diagnosis and treatment of all skin diseases. Skin, hair, nails, oral mucosa and sexually transmitted diseases are within the scope of service of the dermatology department. In Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals, which support the specialist physician team with advanced technology, cosmetic dermatology applications for skin health and beauty are also carried out.

Dermatoallergy: Diagnosis and treatment of allergic skin diseases are carried out in the practice of dermatoallergy. In addition, skin patch test, prick test for food and respiratory allergies are performed.

Dermatooncology: As with all cancer types, early diagnosis is also very important in skin cancer. Early diagnosis, follow-up and treatment stages of benign and malignant skin tumors are performed by dermatooncology.

Interventional Dermatology: Methods that provide rapid and effective healing are used in ingrown nails, such as matrix cauterization, electrocautery, diagnostic skin biopsy, incisional (partial) or excisional (total) biopsy, punch biopsy.

Cosmetic Dermatology: Applications such as mesotherapy, PRP, botox, filling, skin care, laser skin rejuvenation and chemical peeling are carried out within the scope of cosmetic dermatology.

Sexually transmitted diseases: Gonorrhea, syphilis, genital warts and herpes are diagnosed and treated.

Methods Used to Fight Skin Diseases How Effectively

Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Dermatology Department effectively fights against all skin diseases with its expert physician staff. The diseases treated in the Dermatology Department are as follows:

  • Fungal Diseases
  • Psoriasis
  • Puberty Pimples
  • Skin Cancers (Melanoma)
  • Hives (Urticaria)
  • Hair loss
  • Eczema (Atopic And Seborrheic Dermatitis)
  • Sun Allergy
  • Behcet 's disease
  • Aphthae
  • Genetically Transmitted Skin Diseases
  • Moles
  • Warts
  • Capillary Problems
  • Nail Thickening
  • Nail Tumor
  • Ingrown Nail
  • Nail fungus
  • Vitiligo
  • Acne

In addition to the treatment of these diseases, minor surgical interventions such as nail extraction can also be performed at Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Department of Dermatology.

Skin Cancer Diagnosis with Digital Dermatoscopy

Dermatoscopy: It is a skin surface microscopy used in the diagnosis of moles and other pigmented lesions. The skin surface is examined by providing a light magnification with the dermatoscope. Today, digital dermatoscopy has been developed by adding computer technology to dermatoscopic images.

Digital Dermatoscopy: This method plays an important role in the early diagnosis of skin cancer. By creating a map of moles on the body and determining their point locations, digital dermatoscopy is used. After mapping and detection of points, dermatoscopic images are taken and recorded. Thus, it is possible to compare the before and after images during the controls. A detailed examination of the patient can be performed with digital dermatoscopy, which allows moles and other skin lesions to be enlarged between 10 and 140 times. With the help of artificial intelligence, the regular scans of the patient are compared; Suspicious changes and formations are detected and necessary interventions are made. Artificial intelligence, which tracks suspicious changes in me, also creates an index that shows the risk of malignant melanoma mathematically. This index created by artificial intelligence is very helpful in planning diagnosis and treatment. Thanks to digital dermatoscopy, the early stage melanoma diagnosis rate, which is 75% with the naked eye, increases to 95%. With the Total Body Mapping method, each mole and lesion in the body can be tracked and tracked separately. Thanks to these technologies, skin cancer can be diagnosed much faster.

Important Points in Foot Health and Care

Feet are one of our most worn limbs. Excess weight, wrong shoe choices or various diseases are some of the conditions that cause this wear. Problems such as ingrown nails, calluses and heel cracks limit the person's mobility and reduce the quality of life. This situation causes various problems, up to the deterioration of the psychology of the person. Podology specialists in Maltepe University Medical Faculty Hospitals Department of Dermatology can easily solve these frequently encountered problems in the feet with the treatment methods they apply.

Podology: It is defined as the field of health that deals with the treatment of foot health and diseases and provides care services. In podology, whose origins date back to the 12th century, podologists offer preventive and preventive treatments.

Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Department of Podology provides the following services to patients:

  • Heel Cracks
  • Callus Treatment
  • Prosthetic Nail
  • Medical Foot Care
  • Diabetic Foot Care
  • Ingrown Nail
  • Choosing the Right Shoe

Medical foot care:

It is foot care for the purpose of both health and aesthetic appearance, which is applied specifically to the problem of the person's foot. The first step in medical foot care is the person's foot examination. After this first examination, the problem is determined and the needed treatment is carried out in the disinfected podology rooms of Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospitals, with the help of completely sterilized instruments and micromotors.

In some patients, ingrown nails caused by wrong manicure and pedicure, fungal and deformities and hyperkeratosis under the nails are seen. In such patients, the treatment begins with the correct nail cutting. Hyperkeratosis on the skin of the feet, calluses, callused tissues under the nails and cleaning of the nail surfaces are carefully done with the help of milling cutters. Medical foot care is completed by massaging the feet with suitable creams.

Conditions that require podology:

  • False Nail Trimming
  • Wrong Shoe Choosing
  • Pedicure Wrecks
  • Calluses Caused by Friction and Pressure
  • Inability to Cut Nails Due to Excess Weight
  • Various Traumas

Foot Care and Importance in Diabetes Patients

Diabetes patients need to be carefully monitored throughout their lives. People with diabetes are more likely to have problems with their feet than an ordinary person. The treatment of diabetic foot problems, which is an important health problem, is also very difficult.

Damage to the nerve endings occurs in diabetic patients who cannot control their blood sugar for a long time. In other words, neuropathy, also known as loss of sensation, is experienced. When loss of sensation occurs, the patient may not notice situations such as burning, freezing, stinging. Muscles that have lost their flexibility; It causes deformities in the toes and soles.

The reason for the dryness and cracks in the skin is due to the inability of the sebaceous and sweat glands in the foot.

Calluses on our feet are the result of friction and trauma. This causes ulcers to occur due to insufficient bleeding in the soft tissue of the foot. In patients with circulatory disorders, nail fungus, ingrown toenails and nail deformity/thickening can be seen as a result.

For these reasons, diabetic patients should pay more attention to their foot health and have regular foot care compared to other people. In addition to diabetic patients, pregnant women, athletes and those who have to wear high heels should have foot care done by a podiatrist once a month.

After the foot examination by the podologists, 3 different tests (monofilament, vibration, hot-cold) every 6 months are checked to see if the patient has any loss of sensation. If there is a loss of feeling, how far it has progressed is determined and the problem in the foot is taken under control and regular care is provided. If necessary, referrals are made to dermatology and orthopedic specialists.

Things to do for the continuity of foot care:

  • When buying shoes, attention should be paid to the length, height, width, mold and material. The right shoes should be chosen.
  • Make sure that the shoes are breathable.
  • It is important that the toes can move inside the shoe.
  • To protect the feet from dryness and cracks, it should be creamed regularly, including between the toes.
  • Another factor that is as important as the choice of shoes is the choice of socks. Socks made of silver wire or cotton should be preferred.
  • Another important issue for foot care is washing the feet every day and drying them with the cold side of the blow dryer.
  • For foot health, it is necessary to pay great attention to the cleaning of shoes.

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